Animals and Adoption: Christopher Griffiths’ “Take On You” — Song Proceeds Support L.A. Animal Rescue

Donna Block
4 min readOct 29, 2020

A multi-talented musician, Christopher Griffiths plays bass, guitar, keys, synth, harmonica, mandolin and upright bass. Heavily influenced by an array of artists from Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen to Dr. Dre and Iggy Pop, Griffiths is drawn to authentic lyrics that provide the listener with a story. Calling his sound “Garage Rock for Disco Lovers”, the heartfelt singer/songwriter has also dabbled in Americana and Pop genres.

Commenting on his new music, Griffiths said, “I was talking to my sister Cindy Drummond one night and she was telling stories of her time working with the L.A. Animal Rescue. She’s an actor, but still finds a lot of time to donate and help stray animals. Having lived half my life as a stray animal, I sat down that night and wrote something I thought conveyed that feeling — the moment of adoption. I have five rescued animals myself, so it’s a feeling I’m very familiar with. I thought it would be fitting to donate the

