Cory Singer’s “Break of Dawn”

“My inspiration for this song is to give others who live with disabilities hope that all things are possible, and we are all loved.”

Donna Block
4 min readApr 20, 2022


New Jersey native Cory Singer is an accomplished singer/songwriter/musician and theater performer. He starred on BRAVO TV’s singing Competition The Kandi Factory, winning the grand prize, taking home a song penned by Grammy Award Winning Artist Kandi Burruss, “I Can Do Anything.” Singer has become an autism advocate for children, families and adults who are on the spectrum and coined the phrase “Let’s Normalize Autism.”

Accomplished singer/songwriter/musician and theater performer. Began your musical theater career in 2005. Which show has been your favorite to date and why?

The Last Romance. It was my first professional show, that challenged me. I had to learn how to sing opera for the show. Gratefully, I was nominated by Broadway World for Best Vocal Performance that year (2013).

2020. TikTok. Social influencer. What message did you hope people would take away from you sharing your journey with autism on the social media platform?

That there is nothing inherently wrong with being autistic.

#Neurodivergent Vooks, an app that can help teachers, parents, and children with their reading skills. You shared that, dealing with being autistic and dyslexic, this would’ve helped you to process reading in a more proficient manner. In what other ways can teachers and parents support their children’s learning?

Stop losing patience, stop putting emphasis on getting good grades. There is much more in life than having good grades. Help them find their passion and support them. Mine was music and singing.

#Neurodivergent Loop Ear Plugs help with music, piano, and sensory challenges. How do these ear plugs specifically help?

It cancels out distracting noise which would otherwise divert me from the task at hand. I experience sensory overload and loop ear plugs help me immensely.

“Break of Dawn,”… Last year during World Autism Month I dropped my single “Someone” which spoke to my challenges in meeting a woman who would love me for who I am.

“Break of Dawn” is the answer to that song. My inspiration for this song is to give others who live with disabilities hope that all things are possible, and we are all loved.” #Nojudgementzone You shared about the dating/social (friendship) app, Hiki, for the autism community. What are some things you wish people knew that would make it easier making friends?

The people who stick by your side during difficult times are your friends. For a long time, my friends were my family. As I grew up and started to gain confidence I became more adept at socializing. I also accept others unconditionally.

Filmed the new single’s video in New York City with Sea Shelves Production. The lyrics express the ecstasy of the ‘rush’ to your heart a newfound love brings, and the emotional and physical sensations that come along with it.

What are some resources you’d recommend for those struggling to make connections?

Social Media! There are so many neurodivergent people using social media to connect with others.

“Let’s normalize autism.” Singing the National Anthem at the New Jersey Devils game at Prudential Center to celebrate Autism Acceptance on April 21st.

Joining The Aut Cast (The Aut Community’s podcast) on May 10th. As an autism advocate, where do you see the greatest needs as you continue to promote positivity?

Inclusivity. Include autistic voices instead of speaking for them. We know more about life on the spectrum than anyone else. Hear us. Let us speak and educate you.







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