Spirits Republic Latest “Decor”

Donna Block
5 min readApr 27, 2020

Spirits Republic are rockers by nature, but with a musical prowess that makes them one of a kind. Their music is a high energy dance party one second, and a headbanging mosh pit the next with their fans losing their S*** on cue. They have it all; insightful, catchy songwriting, ripping guitar solos, unforgiving slap bass, and explosive percussion.

Spirits Republic formed in 2016. What brought you together?

Russell (myself) and founding drummer, Taylor Willingham (who performed on their first LP, “Hourglass”) had played in a band together while attending college at SUNY Oneonta in upstate New York. They both ended up in Nashville and immediately began playing music together again. A mutual friend of theirs also living in Nashville met Ricky at a party, and recommended they reach out to Ricky after hearing him post a Primus cover on his Facebook page. Taylor departed the band shortly after “Hourglass” was released, and after auditioning several drummers, Russell and Ricky were introduced to Perry Dornbush who fit the role perfectly.

